1, chicken: American consumers union a nationwide survey found that chicken campylobacter in infection rates as high as 42%, salmonella infection rate was 12%, which is easy to cause gastroenteritis. Expert advice: buy to return to the life of the chicken had better water for a period of time to cook, must cook through context, the choppers and chopping block before with after use should use aseptic agent to clean.
2, cow meat: the U.S. department of agriculture survey points out, the cow meat with 30% of staphylococcus aureus, 12% including liszt bacteria, can cause food poisoning or blood infection. Expert advice: if for the pie, filling don't too thick, or bread can not reach the sterilization temperature within.
3, raw oysters: contains's ROM virus, jejunum bending bacteria and vibrio vulnificus, extremely easy cause diarrhea. Expert proposal, had better not eaten raw, if
MLB hats it is to be eaten raw, dip in ga
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